29 Jan Online info session on IPMA certification
On January 28th, 2021. an online information session on the types of IPMA certifications in project management was held via Zoom platform. The President of the Association, prof. dr Vladimir Obradović wished a warm welcome to attendees.
The Director of the IPMA Serbia Cert Certification Body, Danijela Toljaga Nikolić, briefly presented three types of certifications that are possible in Serbia, and they are:
Attendees had the opportunity to get acquainted with the levels and domains that exist within each type of certification, as well as the prerequisites that need to be met by levels. Further, the entire certification process was presented, from submitting the application to issuing the certificate according to the current online system.
After the presentation of the certification, the director of IPMA Srbija Sert and the president of the Association answered the questions of those present and introduced them to the processes in more detail.
At the end of the session, other advantages that IPMA Serbia provides to its certifiers and members were highlighted, such as active participation in the project community, inclusion in the IPMA Special Interest Groups, training and etc.