30 Mar Continuing Professional Development
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) describes the learning activities and engage to develop and enhance professional`s competencies. It combines different approaches to learning, such as training workshops, conferences, events, e-learning programs, best practice techniques, etc. focused to become proactive and improve your professional development.
According to the IPMA ICR v4.1, all individuals certified by IPMA 4LC system need to achieve at least 35 hours of CPD hours each year, which is proportionate to 175 hours in 5 years, in order to be eligible for re-certification.
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is a personal commitment made by a project professional to:
- expand professional capabilities;
- keep up to date with trends;
- improve job performance by learning using various sources and approaches;
- prepare for professional IPMA certification and re-certification.
This is how IPMA Serbia Cert sees your CPD journey in project management:
- Non-formal CPD activities
Non-formal CPD activities (min 35h/y and min 175h/5y) – needs separate elaboration and self-reflection Recommended values Discussion panels, self-learning (TV, Internet, etc.), book reading, interaction with PM special interest groups, simulations, games, etc. Up to 15 CPDs (detailed elaboration and clarification for the MA needed)
Professional work such as: working in the field of Project Management, Management, etc. Membership in the MA/IPMA 5 -
- Formal CPD activities
Formal CPD activities (min 35h/y and min 175h/y) non IPMA IPMA Education & Training (non-formal):
CPD – non REG partners
CPD – IPMA REG partners
Attending 1/h 2/h Delivering 2/h/per competence 3/h/ per competence Formal qualifications from Education:
CPD – non REG partners
CPD – IPMA REG partners
Bachelor Diploma in PM area 10 15 Master diploma in PM area 15 20 PhD in PM area 20 25 Volunteering (hours per year)
non IPMA/MA organizations
IPMA/MA organizations
Local PM Associations, Local SIGs 0 5 Global PM Associations, International SIGs, etc. 5 10 Publications:
Journal paper, blog post, case study, etc. 5 Research journal paper in the international journals or proceedings, book chapter, etc. 7 Book in the PM field (authored or edited) 10 15 Conferences and Events
Conferences Attendance:
One-day workshops & seminars, forums, etc. 0.5/h 1/h International PM conferences (min. 2 days) 8 10 Annual National PM conference (min. 2 days without international participation/local language) 10 15 IPMA Events and Regional Conferences (Diversity, NORDENT, SENET, LATNET, ASIANET, etc.) * n/a 15 Global PM Conferences (IPMA World Congress and Research Conference, IPMA SIG Conferences, other conferences) 15 20 Active attendance in events:
Poster n/a 2 Presentation n/a 5 Plenary/Panel/Keynote n/a 7