IPMA Serbia delegates at the 27th International Congress on Project and Engineering Management and working meetings in Spain

Prof. dr Vladimir Obradović, as IPMA vice president to the finance and administration, projects and events, prof. dr Marija Todorović, as IPMA Research Coordinator, and Vladana Stepanović, as IPMA Awards Programme officer have actively participated in a series of events and meetings organized by IPMA and AIPRO (AEIPRO es la Asociación de los profesionales de la Dirección e Ingeniería de Proyectos de España). IPMA Serbia delegates after working meetings and IPMA Executive Board in Bilbao, have continued the visit on the 27. International Congress on Project Management and Engineering at the Mondragon University, San Sebastian, in Spain, which gathered a significant number of professionals and academics at the international level.

Prof. Dr. Vladimir Obradović whose research results are widely recognized in the academic and professional community, was a keynote speaker with the topic “Public sector project management”. Vladana Stepanović, prof. dr Marija Todorović, prof. dr Vladimir Obradović have presented a research paper entitled: “Recognition and professional development: Is diversity a missing puzzle?”

IPMA is a federation of about 70 Member Associations (MAs). MAs develop project management competences in their geographic areas of influence, interacting with thousands of practitioners and academia, and developing relationships with corporations, government agencies, universities and colleges, as well as training organizations and consulting companies. IPMA has spread from Europe to Asia, Africa, the Middle East, Australia, and North and South America.

Participation at the 27th International Congress on Project and Engineering Management and working meetings in Spain, has contributed to development of the project management profession, networking, and exchange of the research results and experience at the international level.

IPMA helps professionals increase and improve their competences in project, portfolio, programme, management, offering a wide variety of services, which are tailored to the local context. On a yearly basis, IPMA organizes a number of events and celebrates outstanding project management achievements by nominating and recognizing individuals and projects. IPMA provides professional certification for project, programs and portfolio managers, consultants, coaches and trainers in the field of project management, as well as the certification of organizations. The association also promotes and international registration of worldwide educational and training programs, and delivers a number of projects aimed to promote and develop the project management profession. Along with developed standards, research activities and publishing, IPMA activities are oriented to support individuals, projects and organizations that have excellent results in project management.