28 Nov Memorandum of Understanding with Faculty of Economics, University of Kragujevac
On November 25th 2022, the Faculty of Economics, University of Kragujevac, Serbian Project Management Association – IPMA Serbia and Faculty of Economics, University of Kragujevac have signed a Memorandum of understanding. Memorandum was signed by prof. dr Milena Jakšić, Faculty of Economics, University of Kragujevac dean, and prof. dr Vladimir Оbradović, IPMA Serbia president.
This memorandum enables joint work on the development of educational programs and subjects in the field of project management, studied at the Faculty of Economics, University of Kragujevac. Possibilities for improvement are particularly reflected in the exchange of knowledge and experience in the domain of contemporary approaches to project management and internationally recognized methodologies promoted by the Serbian Project Management Association – IPMA Serbia, as well as through the system of international registration of educational programs (IPMA REG). The room for cooperation also stands for joint research projects and the organization of events, all with the aim of developing science and opportunities for students.
On this occasion, a special event was organized for students who had the opportunity to learn about modern trends in the field of project management and a series of opportunities that the Serbian Project Management Association – IPMA Serbia organizes for young people, such as workshops and competitions in a physical and virtual environment: Project Management Championship – PMC 2022 and Global eCollaboration Competition – GeCCO. In particular, an open call for awards for young people was presented, with the aim of promoting the profession and giving recognition to individuals for outstanding results achieved in 2022.
Looking forward to future collaboration and joint projects.