10 Jul Organized 10th IPMA Research Conference
10th IPMA Research Conference “Value co-creation in the project society“ was held in Belgrade, Serbia, from June 19th-21st, 2022. In line with its aims, the Conference enabled an intense dialogue between practitioners and academics and knowledge sharing on the latest trends and solutions of project management collected through research and practice.
The opportunity to hold this event of utmost scientific and social importance in Belgrade is a special honor for the IPMA Serbia and a much-appreciated acknowledgment of the enhanced regional and international cooperation.
It was a great pleasure to host the distinguished keynotes, prof. Muthu De Silva, Antonio Nieto-Rodriguez Rodriguez, prof. Gilberta Silvius, Oliver Mackel and Max Sunhu, as well as the workshop and round table panelists Martina Huemann, Nathalie Drouin, Louis Klein, Jose Reyes, Lavagnon Ika, Jelena Begovic, Viktor Nedovic, Silvia Drahosova, and Radmila Mikovic.
In total, 237 participants from 31 countries registered for the 10th IPMA Research Conference supported by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, the Republic of Serbia.
Participants had an opportunity to elevate research ideas and projects through the interesting Publishing and Meet the editors workshops. The PhD and IPMA CCT workshops were dedicated to supporting young researchers in conducting high-end scientific research and developing their career paths in the project management area.
The renowned national and international experts exchanged the contemporary research ideas and results within the three round tables related to Interdisciplinary strategic project management in R&D organizations, Project management in the public sector, and Value co-creation by digital transformation projects.
Besides the vivid scientific program and encouragement of the project management profession development, the 10th IPMA research conference provided an excellent environment for networking and socializing among speakers, attendees, and IPMA representatives.
The 11th IPMA Research Conference will be held in China in April 2023.