07 Oct Strategies of Research Development Institutions (RDIs)
The „Strategy Advisory Services for RDIs“ project officially started on October 3rd 2022.
This project contributes to the overall goal of the project Serbia Accelerating Innovation and Growth Entrepreneurship (SAIGE), funded by World Bank, and provides a sustainable solution for the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development (MoESTD). The main contribution is particularly in execution of Component 1.2 RDI Reforms, building institutional capacities, strategies and strategic documents. This is a crucial part of the initiated transformation process of RDIs.
The capacity building will be provided via several components, consisting of, among others: training sessions/workshops and consultations, guidance and support to RDIs in developing strategic documents, taking advantage of in-house know-how and external consultants’ support in the strategic development of RDIs. After the strategic documents are developed, RDIs will receive the feedback in terms of a methodology for strategic management and in term of content in providing a sustainable solution for RDIs and the Ministry. RDIs staff will be educated and through this process to continue in working on strategic documents in the future, monitor the strategy implementation and report. Final strategic documents will be communicated within each RDIs in the most suitable way to reach a common understanding and future implementation of a chosen strategic direction and gained support and dedication of RDIs staff.
The kick-off meeting with RDIs was held on October 7th 2022, with the next RDIs representatives: The Institute of physics, Institute for the application of nuclear energy INEP, Electrical engineering institute Nikola Tesla, Institute of field and vegetable crops Novi Sad, Institute for international politics and economics, Institute of molecular genetics and genetic engineering IMGGE.
The capacity building in strategic thinking, strategic management initiated led by strategic documents has a pivotal role in the Research sector reforms and contributes to the excellence of scientific research and innovative entrepreneurship capabilities that could bring access to finance for enterprise growth, as a way of contributing to Serbia’s growth and competitiveness.
IPMA Serbia team will use its proven capacity and wide-ranging experience in strategic and project planning, training delivery and consulting to efficiently provide the required results.